WAIT, You Collect What?!? Trains!
June 15, 2023 @ 11:00am Pacific // Virtual Event
A rocking sleeper car, operating locomotives, and a variety of railroad equipment make up some of the California State Railroad Museum collections. Stewarding an operating collection comes with challenges, but also great opportunities. Join Melanie Tran, Chief Curator, on the inside track of keeping this collection relevant and operational.
This event is part of the Registrars Committee Western Region’s 2023 (virtual) dive into the worlds of specialty collections. Every museum has something a bit bizarre, but sometimes a main component of your collection or mission makes you think outside the box. Are your collections alive? Do you drive your artifacts? Or has your museum studies degree put you in charge of explosive safety for over 100 torpedoes? Let’s learn how different institutions are acquiring, cataloging, and managing these collections; you might learn something to bring back to your institution, or be more grateful for what you collect!
This event was sponsored by ArtWork FAS – thank you for your support!